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当前位置:首页 > 医疗器械资讯 > 新品动态 > SafariSeat,一款为农村设计的开源越野轮椅车



If you’re disabled in a poorly developed part of the world, even a great modern wheelchair may be next to useless. What’s needed is a more off-road design that’s made to be easy to manufacture and repair than something built for a city with sidewalks.

SafariSeat is a newly designed open-source wheelchair that hopes to make a big impact for disabled people the world over. It uses push bars for power and has large front wheels and small rear ones to easily roll over large ob[x]jects.

In a novel move, the designers included a moving seat that shifts bit every time you push the bars to help prevent pressure sores on the butt.

The team behind the SafariSeat is now raising funds to build a workshop in Kenya to begin manufacturing the wheelchairs, and to help others around the world do the same in their communities.